
TTH’s Circumcision Camp 2023

Tree Top Hospital (TTH) is excited to welcome our guests for Circumcision Camp 2023.

Camp bookings are open until 25th July 2023.

The camp is led by experts in the TTH Care Team including Consultant Urologists Dr. Mehemet Oder and Consultant General Surgeons Dr. Huseyn Hadiyev, Dr. Uktam Abdullaev, Dr. Ibrahim Moomin, Dr. Maumoon Asim, Dr. Mohamed Shareef, and Dr. Abdullah Ubaid.

TTH Circumcision Package includes consultation with a Specialist Senior Consultant and Anaesthetists, laboratory investigations, circumcision surgery and anaesthesia charges, materials and medication related to the surgery, day care unit charges, and follow-up consultation and complementary healthy and light snack. Special rates for room upgrade are available for guests availing the package. The price for this year’s package is MVR 5,000/- after Aasandha insurance coverage.

For bookings please use the QR code in the image above or link below.

TTH aims to create a positive experience with care and clarity for guest and family starting from initial consultation to discharge and follow up. It is important to us that we offer our guest and family every convenience and ease in availing our service