Microbiology is the study of living organisms or microbes which are invisible to our naked eyes. These organisms include viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, molds, and protozoa. Hence, microbiologists are specialist doctors which diagnose, treat, and prevent many types of infections. Tree Top Hospital’s Microbiology specialty utilizes leading laboratory equipment to provide our Guests with results which are precise and can be produced rapidly.

What do microbiologist doctors do?

These professionals provide excellent guidance and how to treat and prevent various infections. They advise experts on how to combat infections, the most suitable methods to collect and identify a possible infection and conduct precise tests to determine the results.

Which services are available?

Tree Top Hospital Maldives currently provides a holistic set of services for our guests. Some of which include, but are not limited to:

  • Abscess/pus culture and sensitivity
  • Active air sampling culture
  • AFB-Body fluids/pus microbiology
  • Blood culture adults (aerobic and anaerobic)
  • Blood culture pediatrics
  • Blood fungal culture
  • CRE screening
  • CSF culture and sensitivity
  • Enviromental swab culture
  • Faeces culture and sensitivity
  • Femal genital tract swab for culture and sensitivity
  • Fluid culture and sensitivity
  • Fungal culture
  • Gram stain microbiology
  • Lal endotoxin assay
  • MDRO screening
  • MRSA screening
  • Semen c and s
  • Skin scrappings
  • Sputum c, s, and for AFB stain
  • Throat swab culture
  • Trichomonas vaginalis saline wet mount
  • Tuberculosis mantoux test (adults)
  • Urine c and s

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